October 31, 2010

October Photo Hunt Challenge

The photo hunt challenge is a designed for all levels of photographers, you are given a list of 20 items to find and photograph....Anyplace, Anytime.....and MOST of all to have fun......

1. In Disguise

2. Crisp

Crisp Air, Crisp Leaves

3. Fall Colors

4. A Jack O' Latern

5. A Shot from the Ground

6. A Landscape 

7. A Fall Tradition

8. Books

9. Dining

10. Child/Children

11. Faces Formed in Nature

12. Tilt Shift Photography

13. Black and White with Selective Coloring

14. Bokeh

15.  Best Photo Taken October 23

16. Something from the Kitchen

17. Something Vintage

18. Something Creepy

19. Something Golden

20. Self Portrait

Day 136 & 137 - Halloween Celebration

Ohhhhhh HALLOWEEN.....

Sugar Skull

I purchased myself an inexpensive point and shoot...as sometimes there are times when the bigger camera just won't due... after years of never having a smaller camera...it was a bit of an adjustment...I admit I only dropped it twice.....its so small....lol....we had a great time getting dressed up last night and heading out on the town with great friends...I love getting dressed up.....it sure was a lot of fun.....

Mardi Gras

Ghost Ship

I will be posting more as the day goes on....I am just uploading from our celebration last night and will be gettin the kids ready for TRICK OR TREATING later on.....can't wait......

 Watch out he has fists of fury!!

The Loot!!

October 29, 2010

Macro Friday & Day 135

It seems that the days are blurring into weeks and the weeks are blurring into months...can you believe that we are almost in November...I know I can't but with that said....Welcome Friday of HALLOWEEN WEEKEND......Can you tell I'm excited??

Here is my shots for Macro Friday...........


Day 134


October 27, 2010

Day 131, 132, 133 & Black and White Wednesday

I finally got a decent picture of this old vintage light meter...it doesn't work as far as I know...but then again...I have never used a manual light reader...lol

The white stuff finally decided to rear it ugly head....lol...lets hope it doesn't get to cold this winter....I can handle the snow...just don't like the bitter cold that comes with it!

One of my scary monsters for Halloween dress up for his dance class.......more to come this weekend as we all venture out for Trick or Treats...costumes in tow!

When I saw this lone tree...speckled with green leaves a touch of yellow followed by the nice white blanket of snow...I couldn't resist...just wish the lighting was better...

BUT I had a wonderful conversation with an older gentlemen tonite while he was out walking his dog...who so happenend to be a photographer/filmmaker and took his last job at the age of 71......wow....he was the nicest and the most interesting older gentlemen I have ever met.....I walked/talked with him for a while and love the stories that people have to tell........

You have seen this before it is my favourite place in the Park..but it looks so different with the little of bit of snow on it...changes the look.

I am enterting this is Black and White Wednesday.....To see to most inspiring story that always bring a tear to my eye and warms my heart...please head over to "The Long Road to China".....

the long road

October 24, 2010

Day 128, 129 & 130

What a week...hahaha...I find myself saying this over and over again...but this week was the week of "Murphy's Law" if it could happen it did...lol...I am so glad we have the start of a new week...

I never even had a chance to do all the pictures for scavenger hunt Sunday but am catching up on the 365 Day Challenge before I get to far behind.....

Hope everyone has a good week.....

October 21, 2010

Day 126 & 127

I can't believe that the end of October is fast approaching and one of my favourite holidays is just about here, all the decorations are up.....

I love gettin dressed up for Halloween and anticipate the excitement of all the kids going door to door to collect candy....it is so hard to know "How Many Kids Will Show Up" but I have done up 60 bags thus far...hopefully we have enough??!!



Thank-you to all those who believed in me.....your support and encouragement will not be forgotten...



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