October 11, 2010

Day 114 to 116

I have all the corks worked out on the computer..I hope that is that last of them.....so now to get caught up on the challenge

Day 114 - I figured since I have photographed everything else for Harvest Season............. why not!!?

Love the way this picture turned out...not sure if it was fog coming off the River or the dust from all the harvest either way it makes for a cool effect.

Day 115 - I got to spend the day with Jana who is a dear friend and also a fantastic photographer...I always learn something while I am with her...Thank-u Jana!!

Reflection Shots - Love the effect !!

Shooting into direct sunlight is never the best situation but on the way home from a fantastic day I decided to do a little bit of experimenting..we had bright sunshine and a beautiful sky to work with.....

Day 116 - Muttart Conservatory shot from Jasper Avenue


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Comments are encouraging!!



Thank-you to all those who believed in me.....your support and encouragement will not be forgotten...



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