October 27, 2010

Day 131, 132, 133 & Black and White Wednesday

I finally got a decent picture of this old vintage light meter...it doesn't work as far as I know...but then again...I have never used a manual light reader...lol

The white stuff finally decided to rear it ugly head....lol...lets hope it doesn't get to cold this winter....I can handle the snow...just don't like the bitter cold that comes with it!

One of my scary monsters for Halloween dress up for his dance class.......more to come this weekend as we all venture out for Trick or Treats...costumes in tow!

When I saw this lone tree...speckled with green leaves a touch of yellow followed by the nice white blanket of snow...I couldn't resist...just wish the lighting was better...

BUT I had a wonderful conversation with an older gentlemen tonite while he was out walking his dog...who so happenend to be a photographer/filmmaker and took his last job at the age of 71......wow....he was the nicest and the most interesting older gentlemen I have ever met.....I walked/talked with him for a while and love the stories that people have to tell........

You have seen this before it is my favourite place in the Park..but it looks so different with the little of bit of snow on it...changes the look.

I am enterting this is Black and White Wednesday.....To see to most inspiring story that always bring a tear to my eye and warms my heart...please head over to "The Long Road to China".....

the long road


  1. SNOW?! Love the shots but I am definitely not ready for winter.

  2. Beautiful shots!!!!!! I love them all! And I can't wait for the rest of your Halloween shots!

  3. Gorgeous photos. Love them all.

  4. Looks like a covered bridge in the last shot. All great photos including the snow. I'm sorry to hear you received yours already. Oh well, makes for some beautiful shots.


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