October 5, 2010

Day 110 - Penny for your thoughts

I have always had a love for photography.......a dream that someday I could do what I loved......take pictures for others....... to capture those precious moments, years and freeze them in time...the firsts...the moments that make you giggle and the ones that make you cry.....

I have always taken pictures for as far back as I can remember...my family always says if it moves or talks....I will take a picture, CLICK CLICK...lol (they didn't know that there is so much art/beauty in things that don't talk or move)...lol

I can honestly say that even though I took some classes to understand photography better....I was still very unsure of myself...my confidence not yet established...I then moved away from the city that I spent 12 years in...

Scary..Yes....but a good thing...although it was a place that was good to me for so many years...I felt it was my time to leave.....I miss people like crazy...

Moving has given me an opportunity to work with some of what I would consider the best...I have been able to rekindle friendship that were somewhat lost because of the distance between us.....I have had the opportunity to connect with others who enjoy the same things (photography) through the blog world...

I have along with a friend(s) challenged myself to the 365 day challenge...where I have learned in leaps and bounds...and have had plenty of encouragement along the way...To Everyone I say, "Thank-U"

With photography there is always room to learn and grow...I have spent countless hours reading, experimenting (making big messes) and really enjoying the scenery around me...taking a moment......finding beauty in the smallest things.....and of course on the computer...researching, viewing and commenting.

I have somewhat captured part of my dream...I have built a small, small business capturing moments for others and with that I can say, " I truly LOVE my Job."

One thing I think we are all afraid of is to put ourselves out there........I know I was...sometimes Success is scarier than Failure....

Encouragement comes in all shapes and sizes...comments and simply gestures and for those who always comment and share in my love for Photography......"I truly appreciate it!".....


Whew that was long winded...lol!

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this, and the picture! I am with you on so many of those points, its very similar to what I would say about myself, which is funny. I very much enjoy looking at your challenge photos (and others of course!) and am glad to be sharing in this journey of growth with you!


Please comment, I love to hear what people have to say, but please be kind!
Comments are encouraging!!



Thank-you to all those who believed in me.....your support and encouragement will not be forgotten...



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