October 7, 2010

Day 113 - Learning Again

I have been trying to get a Bokeh Picture that I like....still have a few quirks to work out

Some may ask what is that....well by the definition I have....It comes from the Japanese word "Boke" which means fuzzy...bokeh in photography means the presents of blurred light in a photograph.....using a shallow depth of field

Okay so here is a sample of what I shot...let me know what you think and if anyone has some tips on how to get a better one...please forward on this information


  1. K....I haven't tried this yet, but look here: http://www.diyphotography.net/diy_create_your_own_bokeh
    ....looks like it might be cool!

  2. I have been worrying about this one too!! I have an idea of what I want to try, but no idea if I can make it work or not... If only it were Christmas time there would be lights everywhere!!


Please comment, I love to hear what people have to say, but please be kind!
Comments are encouraging!!



Thank-you to all those who believed in me.....your support and encouragement will not be forgotten...



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