November 29, 2010

Day 164-165

This is what u get when you have fog, luminating lights, snow and the cold!!

It was parent watch week at "Hip-Hop"

Christmas Lights.....Our Downtown core is decorated with the same decorations for years!!

November 27, 2010

Day 163 - Giggle Time

I really hope this photo will make you laugh....

With the fantastic cause that all the men are sporting for the month of November.....all of us girls felt rather...ummm left in anticipation for tonite activities we decided to join in the Movember spirit....

Do you like???


Have a great night everyone!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Friends

To all the new people that I have met over the last couple months who are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, I wish you all a wonderful weekend and HAPPY Turkey Day.....
I am thankful for my Family & Friends, I am thankful to new journeys and to my self growth that has happened over this year....I am thankful for the wealth of information out there and to others who share in the same passion!

Again have a wonderful weekend......


November 25, 2010

Day 158 - Day 162

Again I am so far behind on posting...uhhhh....on a positive note I have had the opportunity to reconnect with a few girls that I have not seen in a I have pictures of them...No...but had great giggles and laughs....

I was going to enter this photo in Macro Monday and it is also something HOT

Now for whatever reason by computer is giving me grief...I will try re posting later!!

Okay now everything seems to be running smoothly...I guess my computer was just having a bad day and needed a

So here are the rest of my pictures for the week!

With the Christmas season fast approaching, I have been slowly over the week pulling out all my decorations.....this is my ultimate favourite time of the sights and sounds....the decorations and of course the baking, the opportunity to see friends (why we only wait till Christmas sometimes is beyond me, but it is what happens)
We have many a Christmas gathering to attend to over the next few weeks and I am looking forward to the company and the FOOD!

Love how you can see the crystals in the snow....

 Now this picture would not look the same in the summer, gotta love the perfect background of white!
 The wood pile

Sometimes I am so corny but I kinda of giggled so I hope you do too...SNOW in the snow!!

November 21, 2010

All Photographers - Head over to Ramblings and Photos

Please check out her fantastic give away.....


November 20, 2010

Day 155-157

I think I have the right is what happens when you don't post everyday.....

Welcome to winter everyone here in Alberta....we got our first snowfall the other night and then the weather took a turn from in the low minus to hello if we are gradually introduced to the cold you adjust to it...not this year...brrrrrr......lets hope it stays at this temp or warmer and decides not to get any colder. Can you see the frost...but the sun was a shining....

It is not very often that I get to take a morning and spent it with Beautiful People but on Friday I had a date with Charmaine and Lily....

I hope to get the opportunity to spend more time with I really enjoyed our coffee date, great coffee and company.....

Here are some shots from the morning......Lily was performing for me ....she is a doll...Thank-you Lily and Charmaine......

Same picture as above but I liked it so color and in black and white....I just had to post both.

Now that we have snow on the ground and I went to Greenland which is a fantastic greenhouse open all year around......that has beautiful trees.........I have now put up my girlie tree.....which is HOT Pink, White, Black, Silver and Sparkler............

November 17, 2010

Toot my own horn

Right now I am going to toot my own horn........ over at Photo Hunt Challenge (October 2010)  a few of my pictures were selected for there favourites......8 out of 20...fantastic...I think anyway...I am smiling from ear to ear....They are judged too...

Mine are in the follwing catergories:
Vintage, In Disguise, Something Creepy, Landscape, Fall Colors, Books, Crisp & Jack O'Latern

Here is the link:

Please head over to there website and vote for your favourite and it doesn't even have to be

Day 153 - 154 = Laughter and Brrrrrrrrr

Shower time can be goofy time (some how even if you send one up first they always end up in there together, as I have said before they are best friends) my boys were in the shower yesterday...they kept calling me to come in the bathroom...upon entering they would stick there face on the glass and giggle and was one of those things....... you laugh because they are they say laughter is contagious...I then had to run and get a few shots of this....

It is snowing like crazy here today....uhhhh Winter time.....I am not one who has a fondness for the cold......
lol......okay I can handle the cold...I just don't like the wind that comes with it...

Foot Prints in the I stand tonite...door wide open...winter coat

November 16, 2010

Day 152 - Light

Yesterday I attended a class at the cplc and what a great and inspring class, there are very friendly and informative and highly recommned taking one of there classes if you can.

On my way home from class I realized that I had not taken any on my way home I pulled over to the side of the road and played a bit with light and the refinery, I then turned it black and white.

November 14, 2010

Day 151 - What do you want to do when you look at this picture??

?????PUSH PLAY?????

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It is Sunday again with the nice needed break that the kids got from school...I took a break from blogging......I am now feeling refreshed and ready to take on the weeks ahead....I am starting with Scavenger Hunt Sunday...the words for this week are Orange, Traffic Signal or Sign, Candle, Handmade and Self-Portrait here are my photos for this eveveryone out there, have a fantastic week......

Traffic Signal and Sign - lol...I got both in one shot!!


My daughter has a love for all things old school...she likes old music, vintage, etc....her friend made her this.....

Self-Portrait- Fish Lips...anyone?? you see one or!! It a reflective shot......

November 13, 2010

Da 150 - COLOR

I truly can't believe that we are on Day 150 and that it is the middle of November....where does time go?????????? I am still enjoying the 365 Day Challenge although I seem to more than often be falling behind in posting....Well after a nice needed's to the start of new weeks ahead and to the start of the Christmas Season......

November 12, 2010

Day 149 - Soccer

Soccer...this is my son's soccer jersey...he is playing indoor soccer for the first time this year and seems to be really enjoying it....Great Job Buddy...Go Number 5!!

Here is another link to share......Thank-U Girls!!


November 11, 2010

Day 146 - 148

My kids have had this whole week off of school, so we have been busy with a whirl wind of activities...we have been shopping, to the gym (everyday), to there regular has been a nice break from homework and having a bit of a sleep in.....

Today is Thursday November 11, 2010 and in honor of those men and women who sacrifice for our freedom we wear a Poppy to honor them....Thank-you....."In Flanders Fields".........

November 9, 2010

Day 145 - Class

I have decided that you can never have enough knowledge when it comes to photography, so with the crazy schedule that already exsists in my house...I decided to make it even Canadian Photography Learning Centre I am taking some more courses....Last night we did a posing course for Families....

Here is me posing with a fellow classmate....trying to create triangles...can u see them?

I always enjoying going to classes as you get to meet new people.....can't wait till next week!

Day 144 - And Another...Celebration

As I have told everyone this past weekend was a Full weekend of celebrations for my Son's birthday...he was super excited....

 My Dad and him have a love for cars...

 Blow Buddy

November 6, 2010

Day 143 - One down...One to Go!!

Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday

I'm 8

The Cake...its not a party without your party hat
The Juice
The Gifts
The Guests....the boys +
 Little M



Thank-you to all those who believed in me.....your support and encouragement will not be forgotten...



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